Progress report

Finished the revisions through Chapter 16!

I also did the thing where you decide that something in the headers is going to drive you CRAZY unless you change it. And because the headers are already all through the book…well, that took some time today and will probably take more time tomorrow. (I’m sure there’s some way to make that all automatic through a Scribus document, but I haven’t figured that out.) I was beginning to really hate it, though, and that was just looking at it in layout! It had to do with fonts and font sizes: Something might look good EXCEPT with a specific combination of letters, which of course is a problem if those are the exact combination of letters in your title or name. That’s always a tricky thing—it’s hard with chapter numbers, too, because sometimes you really like a font, and then you get to, I dunno, the number 6, and you’re like, “Oh God, no.”