Mary Sisson, Author

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Progress report; or, why it's good to have a writing blog

Yes! It's a miracle, but I have progress to report!

I'd say this is a great example of why it's useful to have something like a blog, where you have to trot out in public and say, "Sorry, I didn't get anything done." You do that enough, and eventually you get shamed into doing something.

I've still got the basic problem that my time is all chopped up, which makes it hard to focus on something big, like editing Trust. But after writing yesterday's (humiliating) post, I realized that I do have a lot of smaller production-related projects that need to be done. Not only that, but it's probably better to do these things now, rather than wait until I've laid out and formatted Trust, and am completely burnt out on production.

So, today I tweaked the hard-copy layout of Trang and started poking around for a proofreader. I also noodled with Trang's cover--I like the art, but I think the font is just sort of there. It's legible, which is important (a lot of fonts make the word TRANG look like IRANC, so it looks like I've written a very, very poorly-researched book about Iran and Iraq), but it doesn't really suggest anything about the kind of book Trang is. I also started the cover for Trust (when I decided on the Trang cover, I sketched out how I want all four covers to look)--I've narrowed down the cover fonts to a few finalists, and I'm going to try them on both covers before I make a final selection.