Mary Sisson, Author

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Between the cover and the large-print edition getting bounced back (they accepted it this time, and the proof is on its way) and general life stuff taking up time, I haven't worked on the layout in a while. Which made me get a little nervous about it, so I decided I'd better check and see if it was going to fall below the magical 400-page limit. And if the layout continues as it has, it will be roughly 380 pages long, so that's good.

I also read something about the Sony Reader device, and I was like, Gee, I should see if I can make the Trang e-book is available for that, too. Apparently you can do it through a service called Smashwords that is free, so barring the discovery of some odd reason not to, I'm going to upload Trang to them as well.

After I get cracking on this layout. You know, when something's really hard to do, I'm usually pretty good about setting aside time and putting my shoulder to the wheel, but when it's easier, well, then, there's no big rush, right...?

Shoulder to the wheel, girl! (*cracks whip*)