Mary Sisson, Author

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Progress report

This is the Bad Writer!-type of progress report--I didn't sleep well last night, so no writing happened. I couldn't even work on the audiobook because it was raining.

So, shame on me. Instead of doing productive work today, I was lazy and self-indulgent, and I:

Ran errands.

Wrote a short blog post.

Listened to Zion T's Red Light and decided what songs I want to buy when it finally goes on iTunes.

Bought Frank Ocean's "Forrest Gump" and "Thinkin Bout You," as well as 3rd Bass' "Pop Goes the Weasel." (I decided that one reason I've been so excited about Korean hip-hop/R&B is that I just plain miss hip-hop/R&B. NYC is to hip-hop/R&B what Nashville is to country music; Seattle radio sucks ass on all of those fronts.)

Read Nicholas Nickleby.